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4 Simple Solutions You Can Try If You're Not Motivated To Do Homework

Is there anyone who actually desires to study all night long, lose sleep, get stressed and frustrated? If you’re one of those people, then congratulations, but if you’re not, then these four simple solutions to try if you’re not motivated to do your homework are for you.

  1. Spend some time psyching yourself up for it. Set a time that you think you’ll want to do homework and write it on a calendar or to-do list. This works especially if you’re a very organized person, and you enjoy checking things off a list. It would feel really awesome to check those assignments off your to-do list!
  2. Meditate. Spend some time relaxing or hanging out with your family if you’re that kind of person. Watch a quick video online, something lighthearted that will make you laugh. But do not, under any circumstances, text or get on any social media. At all. In fact, turn off your phone for a while, even if you haven’t started your work yet. It will clear your mind’s palate for what’s to come.
  3. Create an actual workspace where all you do is homework so that when you sit there you become focused. This does not necessarily have to be a desk, just somewhere neat and tidy so you have a clear mind and can focus on what you’re doing. This can be your bedroom floor or dining room table. The point is to have a dedicated, neat space to go to when you need to do your assignments.
  4. Do it last minute. Does this sound counter-intuitive to you? If it does, then this method is not for you. It’s for the person who thrives on tight deadlines. It’s like sprinting at the end of a leisurely paced race. If you find yourself always doing your work last minute, then try this as an actual technique. Come into this with clear focus as something you are not exactly doing last minute, but rather doing it at a time that is convenient for you.

Those were four simple, and highly unconventional ways to actually motivate you to get off your phone, or turn off the TV and actually sit there for hours and do your assignments. Sometimes having a little trick like doing the work purposefully last minute can actually give you an adrenaline rush to motivate you to work, or having a dedicated and tidy spot for focusing on your homework can really channel your energy and block out unnecessary static from the background of your life. You can also get help from and don't worry about doing your assignments any more.

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